United Live Album Archive

Up in Arms
Stay and Wait

Go (by Luan)
Go (by Matt)
Light will Shine (by Luan)
Light will Shine (by JP)
Like an Avalanche
Rhythms of Grace
Search My Heart
Take Heart

Live in Miami
Take it All

Across the Earth / Tear Down the Walls
Arms Open Wide

Desert Song (the first bits of it)
Desert Song (the rest of the song)
Freedom is Here
Freedom is Here (ending part)
King of All Days
More Than Anything (all guitar parts)
More Than Anything (Kenny's tweaks)
No Reason to Hide

Oh You Bring
Oh You Bring (fingerpicking)
Tear Down the Walls
Tear Down the Walls intro (with volume swells)
You Hold Me Now (instrumental part)
You Hold Me Now
Your Name High
Yours Forever

With Hearts As One (I Heart)

Came to My Rescue
Hosanna (Bridge)
Love Enough
Mighty to Save
More than Life
My Future Decided
None but Jesus part 1
None but Jesus (pentatonic variation)
One Way
One Way (bridge variation)
Take All of Me
Tell the World
There is Nothing Like
What the World Will Never Take
What the World Will Never Take variation
Where the Love Lasts Forever (Jerome)
Where the Love Lasts Forever (Kenny)
You'll Come

In a Valley By the Sea EP
In a Valley By the Sea Preview
Break free
Love Enough
Perfect Love
Second Chance
To Know Your Name 1
To Know Your Name 2
You Deserve
You Reign

All of The Above
A Preview
Break Free
Break Free (by David)
Desperate People
Desperate People (instrumental)
Draw Me Close
For Those Who Are to Come
Hosanna (post-bridge)
Hosanna (Bridge Variation)
Hosanna (ending)
Lead Me to the Cross
Lead Me to the Cross 2
My Future Decided
Never Let Me Go (by Jerome)
Never Let Me Go (by John Rock)
Point of Difference
Saviour King I
Saviour King II
Solution (Live version)
Solution (verse 3)

United We Stand
An Introduction
Came to the Rescue
Fire Fall Down
From God Above
From God Above (by Chris)
From the Inside Out (updated tabs)
From the Inside Out (older post)
Kingdom Come
None But Jesus
Take it All
Take it All (Variations)
Take it All (More Variations)
The Stand
The Stand (instrumental variation)
The Time Has Come (Variations)
The Time Has Come
The Time Has Come (Wah Tap)

Look to You
All I Need Is You (by Kenny)
All I Need is You (by Carlos)
All for Love
All For Love (post instrumental)
Look to You
Only One
Salvation is Here
Salvation is Here (Bridge)
Tell the World
Tell the World (Verse Variation)
Tell the World (Kenny's Remix)
There is Nothing Like
There is Nothing Like II
Till I See You (with Improvising with Chord Shapes)
What the World Will Never Take
What the World Will Never Take Intro

More Than Life
All Consuming Fire (solo variation)
All Day
All Day (variation)
More Than Life
Take All of Me

To The Ends of The Earth
All About You
My God
Now That You're Near
To the Ends of the Earth

God is Moving

For more tabs, check out the Hillsong section of the 'PlayGuitar' website.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for everything you do on this website. It certainly has been a blessing to our worship team. Say, I was wondering if United's Saviour King was in the making? God bless!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kenny,
Great site.. You are truely a blessing. I too would like to know if you are going to do Saviour King.. I hope so. Thanks and God bless..

Anonymous said...

Good Night! I am of Brazil, God Blesses all! They find that with a Ibanez RG4EXQM1 + Boss GT8 + Crate RFX65, obtains to take off a sound similar to hillsong?

Anonymous said...

christiang greetings!!just want to thank for helping us music minister's of GOD,,it help us a lot..more power ang GODBLESS!!

Anonymous said...

Hey thx alot for this website. It's literally a Godsend for our worship/praise department especially for our summer's retreat. God bless! hope u guys keep on bringing in the goods!

Anonymous said...

hey kenny, thanks for all your hard work and for making this webpage. It really help us a lot. I know God will bless you more.
-=Elzon -Las Vegas=-

Anonymous said...

Can you post something about volume control for bands....? thanks. God Bless you

Anonymous said...

hi guys,
im from philippines. you're so great musician. can you play the guitar solo of "I am in love with you" by Darell Evans in his Freedom Album?
Thank You guys.

Anonymous said...

me gusta mucho este blog, porque he podido perfeccionar los temas que hemos sacado de hillsong

un saludo a todos

pablo carrasco

Anonymous said...

hey kenny, you're a very good musician but i was wondering how you look like in person... would you mind posting some pictures of you or including your face in your videos just like daryl? =)

Anonymous said...

is there a difference between Hillsongs and Hillsong United??

Anonymous said...

Hey Kenny.
I was wondering if you knew what kinds of electric guitars hillsong united generally used.

Anonymous said...

do you post the effects you use on the pod xt tone forum?

Anonymous said...

hey could someone tabs "this is your house" by don moen...esp. the intro cuz i really need it
oh and also "perfect love" by hillsongunited ep

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot you guys who set this website...i really appreciate the things you've just did....continue making small things and one day you'll wake up with making big things that can make the lord happy...thanks a lot for your works...

Unknown said...

Such an incredible resource for the house of god man. What you do release lesser musicians into the freedom of praise. I would love to know if you can tab Chris Gugilimocchis solo in more of you. Its on the SotW dvd extras and is such an amazing god moment. Bless you bro

Anonymous said...

anyone one knows the solo guitar parts on "Welcome in this place" by hillsong live in God he reigns album?... can you help me?... please,, thanks!...

Anonymous said...

anyone one knows the solo guitar parts on "Welcome in this place" by hillsong live in God he reigns album?... can you help me?... please,, thanks!...

rich said...

hey can someone please tab the song "Love Enough" -hillsong united from their album 'i heart revolution' please. i need help on it.
thanks. god bless.

Anonymous said...

you are truly a bleesed one.,
can you pls tab the "Forever And A Day" of Hillsong., thnx!!!

Anonymous said...

could someone do the song "free" off of the "to the ends of the earth" cd. That songs rocks and i would like to see how you play it electric and acoustically. Thanks and Godbless!

Anonymous said...

hey my name is steven and im 16 going on 17 and i play for our youth ministry and our worship team and im going to be attending julliard soon for guitar bass and piano and i would like to say that you guys are AWESOME its cool to see kids my age worshipping GOD and playing for thier churchs so keep up the good work and GOD BLESS YOU ALL.........................

Anonymous said...

Hi you got a nice music site going here !!
I am just 17 and a high school girl right now.

I play music mostly guitar.
Maybe someay soon can play my guitar for praise songs.

And I read your web stuffs,when I get a chance.
Keep up the good work, I love it AAAA++++ , I am going to tell all my friends about this site !!

Oh ya - I took in a concert to see the new Christian rock,blues guitar sensation GW Williams in Hollywood a few weeks ago, and I must say it was incredible, GW Williams has so much energy in his music, everything from the singing to the guitar is first class.The way he works a crowd and plays the guitar must be seen to be believed. AWESOME is all I can say 2 thumbs up 100%.

Thanks Sandra LaBra

P.S. Here's GW Williams rock, blues Guitar site. - GW Williams Rock,Blues Guitar

Anonymous said...

thanks kenny! continue helping us for the glory of our God.. to God be the glory..

lock zackary said...

hello, i just want to ask if anyone here can help me know what acoustic guitar hillsong uses on their acoustic previews? thanks, they dont seem to release those albums here in the philippines so i never get to read those stuff up in their album's in case they say so in there heeeheee
thanks in advance :)

jhune said...

Hi everyone!! it was nice to read and drop by on this site. I'm blessed because christians join together and sharing resources to praise JESUS.. Can you guys help us in our team? please post the Electric Guitar Tab of "TAKE ALL OF ME" I heart revolution version 2008.. much appreacited.. thanks... God bless..

jramos said...

I agree with every comment, Thanks Kenny for allowing yourself to be used by God in a BIG way. Your ministry work is world-wide as well as your teachings. Again thank you for your servant-heart and the passion in serving others, that is ultimate example of being a follower of Jesus. GodRocks! Eagle Pass,TX - Border town

the_follower said...

hey everyone..
can anyone tell wat the tabs for one way are please.. our church cant find them.. gb

Impacting Worship said...

Hi Kenny,

I was just wondering if you could do Everliving God on the Hillsong Hope album. Thanks for this ministry. Our church learns a lot from you guys

Anonymous said...

hey kenny,
well this is my first time writting a comment but i been on this website for a while and i wanted to ask you if you could figure out two songs from the more than life album the songs are LIGHT and OPEN UP THE HEAVENS it would mean a lot if you took the time to figure them out and if you could post them on youtube format its cuz i watch the vids on my phone but thanks and god bless you

lock zackary said...

hey guys i found this (somehow low quality recording) from the new album of united live called 'The Reason I Live'
this song is entitled King of All Days
its got nice riffs for a worship song
cant wait to see you guys post a video on how to play it ^-^

vezza94 said...

Hey Kenny, I found this recording of a great song from hillsong's new album (across the earth) and i was wondering if you could possibly tab it out or put a video up on how to play it?


Thanks, and God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Uploaded the new album Across the Earth on youtube. Here's their best new song IMO. Have fun learning! :D


Michael Fu said...

Glad you got this up Kenny....can't wait to hear the rest of the album.

Here's my church's worship blog if y'all are interested...


Guitar tutorials coming soon.

Patrick Rosington said...

hey could someone please tab out the solos for your love keeps lifting me higher by audio adrenaline???? please it would be such a blessing

God bless

..P.S.. maybe someone could tab out more of there stuff and start a thing for them..they have really nice guitar parts!!!

sdxfcghj said...

thanks for these videos! Truly a blessing

Unknown said...

how come OH YOU BRING is not on guitar praise?? i want to learn how to play it so bad

Unknown said...

by hillsong united

ike_usc said...

i'm searching for intro tabs for the song "the stand" the i heart revolution version. can anyone please help?

Таня said...

Hey, Kenny! thank you so much for what u doing. I`m married and have child so not much free time. using your videos i have more time to practice and improve. Could you make Oh You Bring song? God bless you!

Bradley De Souza_THINKTANK// said...

Are you guys going to be tabbing out "Yours Forever" by Hillsong United from the Across the earth tear down the walls album?

Anonymous said...

I hope Oh You Bring is coming soon. My church plays it a lot and I can't quite figure out the guitar in the verse.

Unknown said...

hi guys.. I'm jay-ar from the Philippines.. do you have the tabs of mighty to save? the instrumental part? thanks.. and rock for the Lord with excellence for we are to know an EXCELLENT GOD.

maijohn said...

man ilove this site i open this everyday.....GOD BLESS guy continue what you have started

Rhythm for Jesus said...

Hi guys i love your site....i'm 15yrs living with God, praising Him with my guitar. Thank you guys you help me alot. Keep on picking guitars for the glory of our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ!!! Your truly a blessing to us...

Anonymous said...

Good day,
Bro can you put a chords for the tab solos?so that I will know where to change my rhythm chords...
Thank you and God Bless...

Steve Lambert said...

hey Guys

Man i love this site, seriously only found out about it not so long ago... my names Steve, i play for Hillsong here in cape town and this site is such a blessing and has helped so much. Thanks and please keep it up!

God bless

Marcelo Carrero said...

Hello guys, is that u could post some tablature for the new intro of "Inside Out" that they have been playing at concerts?

That this video: http://migre.me/gbr8

shHh! said...

hey.. i'm paul from the phil.. a new member here.:) i've been checking out your site and it's so great.. it's really nice to see young people very passionate in serving God through music.. you guys are a total blessing to some churches.. keep rocking out guys.. God Bless and more powers^^

Unknown said...

Hi guys...yeah youre great and thats a BLESSING from GOD^^ and thanks for the effort that u always post a video of lessons ^^

okay.. i just request a guitar cover of hillsong united.. AM I TO BELIVE<<.

coz i search everything but none has a cover yet.. and also please put some link to the tabs and lyrics okay guys..

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... this song so nyc nyc...thanks GOD SPEED...

Unknown said...

Hi guys...yeah youre great and thats a BLESSING from GOD^^ and thanks for the effort that u always post a video of lessons ^^

okay.. i just request a guitar cover of hillsong united.. AM I TO BELIVE<<.

coz i search everything but none has a cover yet.. and also please put some link to the tabs and lyrics okay guys..

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... this song so nyc nyc...thanks GOD SPEED...

Unknown said...

Hi guys...yeah youre great and thats a BLESSING from GOD^^ and thanks for the effort that u always post a video of lessons ^^

okay.. i just request a guitar cover of hillsong united.. AM I TO BELIVE<<.

coz i search everything but none has a cover yet.. and also please put some link to the tabs and lyrics okay guys..

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... this song so nyc nyc...thanks GOD SPEED...

Àlvaro Muñoz said...

hello friend how are you God bless you, well I have done much the blog and many thanks .. I like that if I could help with the full tab of none but jesus is super and we want to hear playing in the church I'm from Nicaragua and may God always bless you, or if you have a video as you can play the whole song please

Jeff4004 said...

Hey Kenny!
Awesome job you're doing with this site.
It has helped me become a better guitar player and helped me to read chords a lot better too.
I was just wondering if you can please tab Break Free from the Hearts as One album because I haven't found the solo tabs or anything on any other sites.
Thanks and God Bless! :)

The one said...

hi there- are there any people that have Jesus Culture clips?

The one said...

hi there- are there any people that have Jesus Culture clips?

Ryan Klein said...

Good tabs collection you have here. Keep updating more! Check out my top acoustic guitars review.

Unknown said...

Love the tabs!. Is there anywam you could post Take Heart? Thanks and God bless!!!

jasper said...

hellow!!!kenny!!can u help me!??plss!!can u post a video and the tabs!!! I Give You Glory by Outbreakband!!!plssss!!tnk u and GOD BLESS!!

Jeff said...

hey, can you post covers of father and rhythms of grace? thanks!

Eli said...

where is Live In Miami!!!???

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