Tell the World (Kenny's Remix)

Here're the tabs for my remix of Tell the World. Someone asked for it sometime back, and I thought that it'd be a good way to practice the various Hillsong riffs into a single song. Here goes:

While recording the original remix, I did each guitar part separately, and it has been a challenge to play them one after another in the video above. To make life easier, I did it in three parts, you can notice it when the video jumps. Also, I didn't cover every single riff, but most of it is there.

An Introduction Riff (x2):

Modified Tell the World Solo:


Take it All Riff (with some palm mutes & additional notes)



The bracketed tabs means that you have to play them using harmonics.




Tell the World Riff


-------14-14-11-11-11-11- Bm D

A E F#m D
A E F#m D

Instrumental 1
I used a 15/8 beat timing for this section. It can be quite hard to count, so I do it by counting 3 and a half, followed by 4 beats in a bar. I separated the 3.5 and 4 count bars in the tabs below.
-4---4-4---|---7---------- (x2)

--------------|-11---11-9-11---- (x2)

Instrumental 2
Back to the normal 4/4 (four beat) timing. Phew! Get a crunchy metal sound for this section. Use some palm mutes, and it helps to imagine that its F#m power chords being played, with a varying bass line.


While the above is being played, another guitar plays the "Take it All" riff played in the verse. Also, The the World's verse riff (the first half) is played in the 2nd half of this instrumental.

Begin with the introduction to Mighty to Save.

One Way's pre-verse riff enters after 4 bars:
-----------6b7r6b-- (x4)

The next part is based on From God Above's verse:
-----------(5)-(5)-(5)------- (x4)

Use the same chords as before.

Repeat Chorus
Strum the following chords (with wah):

Lastly, a fill from Take it All's 'whoa-oh-oh' in (see video):


Anonymous said...

hey that was pretty kool/interesting stuff how you incorporate alot of hillsong songs into a remix, i was wondering if you can send me the tabs thats being played in the backround while ur playing the chords to tell the world
continue playing for the glory of God
~God bless
if you can, can you send it to

user said...

You mean the melody that I was playing? The chorus is meant to be sung actually, but I played the melody with the guitar instead. Try to fiddle around with the A major scale, i'm sure you can figure the melody out!

Anonymous said...

wow thats very smart. interesting way of playing Tell the World. I'm going to try get my music team to play this as a warm up for tell the world for youth grp. hehe. very nice kenny. wd! keep this site going forevr, its gunna bless sooo manyy , esp. with talents like urs God has given. nt every guitarist has a gd sound understanding of melody and sequence. God Bless!!

user said...

wow.. if you do play it capture it on video or record it using the mixer or something, and send it to me!

I feel that the melodic & rhythm sense required in praise & worship songs are really different from what is needed in secular songs, and it definitely is a challenge to many of us. In fact I would say that i'm still picking up things (and of course i'll share them!).

Anonymous said...

Oh my..
Such a great songgg..!!
Our church is having an event and I already submitted the idea of playing this for the intro to our praise+worship! If our cameraman gets it on tape, I'll send it to you!

God Bless

Anonymous said...

WOW!! OYUR AMaZIng you know ur my no.5 inspiration so im playing a guitar...hehehhehe bro. tnkz more blessing...i will pray for you...i wish i could see your face...thnkz bro

Anonymous said...

how do u get your harmonics to sound like that?
mine sound like really bad
can u help?
plz and ty

Anonymous said...

ahm.. i amaze..
but 1 question plz..?
ahm.. pls send me the real chords of tell the word remix when i played it? tnx..
heres my email..
tnx.. godbless

Anonymous said...

Awesome remix!
Could you put up the tabs for what you're playing in the background for "tell the world .. " part though?

thanks :)
God bless!

Badger B said...


that was beautiful xD

Just out of curiousity,

were all of these planned out by theories or fiddling out with them?

like when I think solos I play around with the scales rather than planning something based on theories then testing it, just wondering what you did :P

Tribu12 said...

can any tell me what kind of distortion pedals does hill song have?

martinh389 said...

hay ima big fan of tell the world that
and i was wondering if you could tell me
what are the tabs for the instromental in the chorus

martinh389 said...

hay ima big fan of tell the world that
and i was wonding
if u could tell me the
tab for the instromental rift in the chorus


bryan tsao said...

wow man, thats really awesome, very nice, god bless

Anonymous said...

I figured out the tab for the "Tell the world..." part. It's:

jesuwinw said...


tj ramos said...

i love this site

Seeker said...

so i got my youth team to do this version for worship, it was awesome and went over great, the main service worship pastor even came up to check it out.

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