Every Little Thing

Here's my favourite Delirious song.. its the kind of song that people need to listen to when they're in the dumps, and lose faith in God.

The chorus & bridge uses chords further up the fretboard, and the instrumental is relatively easy to play.

Chorus (strum)

Play D, C, followed by

Instrumental (use vibratos)



blackwhirls said...

Hi, you know what the elctric guitarist was holding when he was playing the solo/instrumental part for Every Little Thing? He can be seen holding it when the band was playing the song at their perfomance at Willow Creek. Pls get back asap? Thanks and God Bless! :D

Unknown said...

the second part of the solo [instrumental] you have wrong. its suppose to godownwards from G [15] to [14] F#...chump lol jk jk your really good man. keep it up