Free (verse, instrumental)

Here are the guitar parts for Free by United Live, no video for this one, just a sound clip, because I think it should be quite manageable:

E . .B . .B/D# . .E . .F#m. .E. B/D# .F#m

From the above, you will notice that there are some 'stripped down' chords (form B/D#) onwards. What is played here are octaves - two like notes of different pitches (e.g. a low A and a high A) - played together. These are derived from the first and third note of every power chord, for example the E power chord xx997x gets you the E octave xx9x7x. Learn to derive and use these octave 'chords' because they come out very often in praise songs.

Instrumental (from Jesus.. because of you)

C#m B/D# E




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